Thursday, 19 May 2011

Bamboozlement through modernism and post modernism.

Ok, this blog might be a little off as I was ill for the lesson, so all my information is coming from what I found and what I know.

Modernism and Post Modernism is a pretty complicated subject to talk about because of it’s wide range and crossing of subjects.

From what I have gathered, the main difference is that Modernism is the rejection of romanticised stuff and quests for truth in all things. Things such as surrealism is an example of this, along with futurism, coupled with a belief and optimism in change mixed with hopes and possibilities of a new age, some people called this the ‘machine age’.

They were breaking away from the constraints that society put on photograpers, that photography is only a medium to document, only avail to upper class and only successful in art if they had the same rules in the picture as in a painting.’ – Kahra Okeefe

Post Modernism is somewhat the opposite, but not quite. Here is a quote from a forum site which I think describes it the best seeing as I couldn’t really put into words what I think.

‘Post Modernism photography use, appropriation and borrowing, social/political comment, and humour - parody, irony and playfulness. In general it is also using eclecticism (combining genres and styles from remote source), banality, bad taste, recontexualisation (placing images into new contexts), intertexuality (ref to art and cultural texts rather than reality), reflexivity (self reference) and deconstruction (exposing self-contradiction or the arbitrary or the constructed origin of 'truth')

Source - Thomas Gardner seems to clear it all up, although he does use a lot of big ass words that confused the living hell out of me.

To put it into a few words;

Modernism – Realism / Surrealism
Post Modernism – Self reflection and irony.

That is what I make of it anyway, I could be completely wrong, I don’t know.

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