Monday 14 February 2011

One of the five - Pick a picture and write about it.

Ok. First off, I'm going to mention that I don't really know what I'm supposed to be writing for this. I will amend this when I gain more information on if I have to go into detail or not, so this will mostly be me rambling.

The first thing I noticed when looking at this image was the 'party' like lighting, to give the feel that the picture was taken directly at a party. The other thing that I noticed was the almost stoned look on the singers face, but that isn't important right now.

This ad is to basically advertise a phone that has a decent camera, so it is targeting the teenage audience as they are more likely to use a phone to take pictures and upload them directly to Facebook. They are also more likely to attend parties and raves, so images such as this would be a normal thing to see. The phone company also advertises the different things you can do with the phone by showing the same picture three times, one being the original image to show the quality of the pictures, the second showing the images colour inverted to give a more negative look, the third having some type of neon purple glow effect that the phone probably has as a filter.

This type of picture would've been snapped at a club, where the singer would've probably jumped off stage then the crowd would pass her around whilst she still sings, or just lays back and laughs as she is sailed over the sea of people before heading back to the stage. The picture has been taken from an angle to the singers left, lights shining down from the top which seem to consist of the colours magenta and blue judging by the shades in the top of the image.

The advert is also showing people having a good time, the singer is laughing happily as an example of this. It's to help bring the idea of the phone 'capturing good times' with it's 5 mega pixel camera. The company calls the phone the 'Next generation' of the Samsung Wave, as this is the second Wave made and the next generation part would be hinting at the younger generation, the teenagers and young adults who like to go to clubs and such places shown in the image.

The thing that would grab the younger audiences attention quickly with this phone is the fact they can quickly upload images to Facebook without having to go home, plug the phone in and do it manually. They can just take the picture and upload. Samsung even has a place on said website for people to upload pictures as stated in the white text below the image.

Overall, the image itself is creative in the way that it captures the target audience by hosting a picture which most would see on a fun night out, then showing extra features the phone has to enhance attention before adding in the white text which the looker would read that it has a five mega pixel camera on and instant uploading to Facebook quantities.

Or in my terms, they've put a picture from a club up which was taken a phone being advertised, show that it has a 5 Mega pixel camera on it then adding tons of shiny things to keep the kiddies occupied until the Samsung Wave 3 comes out and makes said phone look completely old fashioned.

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